Monday, July 13, 2009

Confusion Over Suzan Goldberg

Dear Google, I found no tie in in Cleveland scene, with Suzan Goldberg. The Suzan Goldberg I know, is Suzan Cooper Goldberg, who is not an editor, as far as I know. She is married to Jeffrey Goldberg, not the one who works for the NY Times, though he , Jeffery,had an article published, in 1995 about Janet Reno. Jeffery wrote a book about the endorphins. Suzan is Ed Kennedy's secret CIA aide, and Hillary Clinton's secret CIA aide. She has a complicated effect on cinema, television and even Senate speech styles. I don't mind communicating at all,with anyone interested in the ins and outs of Suzan Cooper Goldberg, who may have been Kittredge, in Harlot's Ghost, by Normam Mailer. Thanks for your alert and awareness. Sincerely,